Our Services

Computer Repair

Repair of compatible PC equipment, including Laptop, Desktop and Windows Based Server, we have a reasonable amount of supplies in our inventory for both new and “old” equipment.

Info recover

Recovery of lost information due to many possible causes, including accidental and voluntary erasure, in most cases we can recover damaged disks or devices without the need for a specialized laboratory, the most common files for recovery are documents, images or videos.

Low-cost refurbished computers and accessories professionally inspected, tested, and cleaned by NHC-qualified personnel and suppliers.

Every product must have no issues and must be ready to work or install.

Delivery available in Hamilton area

Web design is an activity that consists of the planning, design, implementation and maintenance of websites.
New Hope Computer can design, host and create secure WEB pages.

Secure e-commerce, SSL certificate included, since its creation.

Copyright © 2021 New Hope Computer. All Rights Reserved.

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